Raydeus Live from Breakfast of Champions 2012

Published: Jan. 9, 2012, 8:20 p.m.

Breakfast of Champions is an event that will always have a special place in my heart. There's simply nothing like it... all your friends are there, you always make new friends, the music is always killer, and most of all the vibe is so gloriously unhinged (happy happy joy joy!) in a way that no party that I know of can match. I always say 'the best party of the year in SF happens on the first day of the year'. So, needless to say, it was a tremendous honor to be invited to be in the lineup for 2012. Thank you to Andrea and the Cowboys crew for such incredible hard work making this happen year in and year out. Can't wait for BOC 2013! This set was a blast to play, and I hope that comes across when you listen to it. - Raydeus For more information on Raydeus visit www.raydeus.com