Derailing the Primary Trump Train: Can Any Candidate Do it?

Published: Aug. 30, 2023, 9 a.m.

b"With a cast of GOP primary characters like Pence, DeSantis, Christie, Haley, and Ramaswamy, can anyone derail the Trump Train on its way to the general election? Rick Wilson and Niall Stanage, associate editor of The Hill, analyze the challengers\\u2019 strategies and just how slim to none their chances of beating Trump are. And what conversation about Trump would be complete without talking indictments, mug shots, trial dates and why it\\u2019s all so very appealing to GOP primary voters? Rick and Niall dive in.\\n\\nTimestamps:\\n[00:00:01] Six words: Georgia protests, Trump threats, GOP resistance, Fannie Willis case.\\n[00:04:06] Trump on trial before Super Tuesday: Unfazed GOP voters.\\n[00:06:51] Bizarre legal reality show: Trump ahead.\\n[00:10:02] Trump's rivals struggle to compete.\\n[00:12:54] Republican primary shaped by Trump.\\n[00:16:17] Trump's advantage: winner-take-all, Ramaswami's candidacy useful.\\n[00:18:49] Divide non-Trump vote, Ramaswamy rises.\\n[00:21:49] Media bias toward excitement.\\n[00:25:01] Trump-centric chaos eclipses Biden.\\n[00:27:57] Con man hustles for Trump's attention.\\n\\nFollow Resolute Square:\\nInstagram\\nTwitter\\nTikTok\\nFind out more at Resolute Square\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"