Richard Skipper Celebrates Rob Russell (11/24/2021)

Published: Nov. 25, 2021, 1:30 p.m.

For Video Edition, Please Click and Subscribe Here: Dear Richard, I can’t thank you enough for having me on your show! It was such a wonderful chat…you remind me of a young Mike Douglas! He used to be a frequent guest at my nightclub! Thanks again for a great experience! Best, Rob Russell   Rob Russell was born and raised in Babylon, New York. He studied musical theater and business administration at the State University of New York at Fredonia with the outstanding Rockefeller Arts Center. After struggling as an actor (modeling, bartending, singing etc.), Rob eventually landed in the hospitality and hotel business where he co-founded and managed the renowned Royal Room Cabaret at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach for nearly 20 years. Rob recently recorded an album and is presently writing a book about his life in Palm Beach working closely with numerous celebrities. He now performs regularly at the Pelican Cafe in North Palm Beach and can be heard on Legends Radio.