After Ayotzinapa: Arrests and Intrigue

Published: Sept. 24, 2022, 4 a.m.


Eight months after Reveal\\u2019s three-part series about the disappearance of 43 Mexican college students in 2014, the government\\u2019s investigation is in high gear. But parents of the missing still don\\u2019t have the answers they want. There have been arrests and indictments of high-profile members of the military, and even the country\\u2019s former attorney general. But no one has been convicted, and the remains of only a handful of students have been identified.\\xa0


In the first segment, we relive the night of the attack on the students, and chronicle the previous government\\u2019s flawed investigation into the crime. We meet independent investigators who succeeded in getting close to the truth, then fled the country for their safety.\\xa0


Then we explore how the election of a new Mexican government led to a new investigation led by Omag Gomez Trejo, a young lawyer who pledged to expose the truth about the crime.\\xa0


We end with a conversation with Reveal\\u2019s Anayansi Diaz Cortes and Kate Doyle, from the National Security Archive. They bring us up to date on what\\u2019s happened with the investigation since we aired our three-part series, After Ayotzinapa.\\xa0
