How To Know Who To Trust With Your Finances

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 9 a.m.

How do you make sure to protect your hard-earned money? Get help from a financial professional you trust. But how can you be sure they are trustworthy? After this episode, you'll have a good sense of what to look for.

You can see the full show notes here. 

Take a look at the episode rundown below:

0:15 - Adrian Peterson, Washington Redskins running back, being sued for failure to pay $5.2 million loan.

1:18 - His lawyer says the athlete trusted the wrong people.

2:30 - New clients of Brian left an advisor who had apparently had six disclosures.

3:59 - Sometimes it is good to get a second opinion.

4:38 - Anybody who is a professional in another field is focused on that first, so a financial advisor can help.

7:05 - Not everybody is looking for the protection of an annuity.

8:00 - A fiduciary finds the appropriate products for their clients.

9:18 - You need to educate yourself where you can.

12:03 - How do you plan for adjusting to not working in retirement?