Rethink Energy 96: The influence of solar energy up to 2050

Published: July 15, 2022, 7:42 a.m.


In Rethink Energy\'s latest podcast, we start discuss our annual global solar forecast to 2050, which shows a huge increase in solar around the world. We talked about a long duration storage play in Canada e-Zinc, and finally one of the world\\u2019s first hydrogen networks, planned to run across the Netherlands.


If you would like us to discuss anything in particular in our next podcast please let us know.


Below is the link below to download and view the executive summary to our Global Solar Forecast to 2050 -


Solar-Forecast-Exec-Summary-49993.pdf (


Below is the link to our weekly analysis, which discusses all things renewable that have happened throughout the week and forms the discussions of the weekly Rethink Energy podcast -


Rethink-Energy-163-bb2ea.pdf (
