Episode 57: Erin Gee

Published: Sept. 1, 2019, 2:52 a.m.

Composer and vocalist Erin Gee (ResBods 2019, September 5th) happened into her singular composition style somewhat by accident—she was assigned a composition exercise as a graduate student: write a work for solo voice. She wondered, as many composers do, “is there a way to go beyond the emotions that we automatically apply to voice? Can I make sounds with the voice that are truly abstract?” What she came up with has been her incredible artistic output, the Mouthpiece series, which lives in a sound world all of her own making. On this episode, Erin goes into a deep dive with ResBods director Lucy Dhegrae about how these pieces came to be, how she transitioned to being a vocal performer, and where she sees her work going next.

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