Fee'd Up

Published: April 12, 2021, 10:52 a.m.


This week, we are joined by Ben Bergholtz to talk student fees. Ben Bergholtz is a former Brittain Fellow who is now Assistant Professor in the School of Literature and Language at Louisiana Tech University. Ben received his PhD from Louisiana State, which has one of the highest student fees in the nation. Ben talks to us about the political climates and misplaced administrative priorities that encourage the ballooning of student fees and talks about his relationship to LSU\'s (in)famous lazy river, which was paid for in part with student fees! We also explain why you should never believe upper administrators when they tell you how much their institution pays their graduate student employees!



"LSU Graduate Student Fees Among Highest in the Nation" -- https://www.lsureveille.com/daily/lsu-graduate-student-fees-among-highest-in-the-nation/article_02d79ca0-661f-11e9-a7ff-9f0e0cfe6ea9.html


"New Fund Helps Graduates Finish Degrees" -- https://t.co/2NQUn5lu3p?amp=1


\\u201cThe hidden cost of college: rising student fees\\u201d -- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2017/08/24/the-hidden-cost-of-college-rising-student-fees/



Transcript -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/12pecNNkuMmcMAFy-NQnWE36AVzPDqHzD1-fu7Vx3ApA/edit?usp=sharing

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