Bored of Regents

Published: Aug. 17, 2020, 11 a.m.

b'Celebrate the first day of classes at Georgia Tech with the team at Residential Spread!\\xa0\\nIn this episode, we explore Georgia\'s Board of Regents. We ask why a body with so little experience in education (and so many conflicts of interest) is making unilateral decisions about higher education in Georgia. Then, we consider past, present, and potential future efforts to challenge that authority.\\n\\n Statement of Academic Faculty of Georgia Tech on the COVID-19 Crisis and Fall 2020 Semester\\n "State\\u2019s top professors: Public campuses need freedom to chart own course through pandemic"\\n Statement from USG Presidents (in support of Board of Regents)\\n "After decades of public service, legal woes mount for deposed Georgia Regent"\\n "SEC charges former Georgia regent Dean Alford with defrauding investors"\\n Fact check: Cade Joiner is in fact a resident of Brookhaven. Corey regrets his error.\\n\\nFor more details on the #CritU reading group:\\xa0\\n\\nTranscript\\n\\n\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message:'