Episode 33 - Flavio Azevedo and building a FORRT

Published: April 21, 2020, 8:15 a.m.

b'Episode 33 with Flavio Azevedo on FORRT\\n\\nOur latest awesome ECR you need to watch out for is Flavio Azevedo @Flavio_Azevedo_. He was recently named one of one of the top 100 global shapers from Portugal! (https://www.100oportunidades.pt/) and by gosh he\'s just one of our favorite people too.\\n\\nFlavio tells us all about the importance of openness in reproducibility in teaching. He is leading an amazing project: a Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training, or FORRT. The project advocates for integrating open and reproducible research practices into not only methods training, but subject material too. FORRT will be doing this with a dedicated platform collating teaching materials and the pedagogues to teach them. Listen in to hear what else FORRT has to offer, and how you can get involved!\\n\\nUseful links:\\nCheck out Flavio\'s awesome website; not only for how cool he is academically, but also some sweet photography http://flavioazevedo.com/ \\nFlavio\'s recent talk about FORRT at Open Science Day at Goethe University https://video01.uni-frankfurt.de/Mediasite/Play/8fae430a4ee24d62a7f61985f74f27121d\\nFORRT website - under development https://forrt.org/\\nFORRT twitter @FORRTproject\\nThe FORRT manuscript "Introducing a Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT)" https://osf.io/bnh7p/\\nCheck out this twitter thread for all things FORRT https://twitter.com/FORRTproject/status/1207303102245801984?s=20\\n\\nMusic credit: Kevin MacLeod - Funkeriffic\\nfreepd.com/misc.php'