Episode 11 - Ivan Flis

Published: Nov. 27, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

b"Episode 11 - Ivan Flis\\n\\nThis week we had an awesome chat with the super-interdisciplinary Ivan Flis. Ivan is like a cake made from psychology, history, and philosophy of science. This cake was the perfect compliment to our Repro-Tea. There was so much to cover that we will have Ivan back next time too!\\n\\nJust a few of the amazing resources Ivan mentioned:\\n\\nDeborah Mayo\\u2019s book, Statistical Inference as Severe Testing: How to Get Beyond the Statistics Words, Amy still doesn\\u2019t understand what she is really reading though\\u2026. (Sam is doing no better) (https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/statistical-inference-as-severe-testing/D9DF409EF568090F3F60407FF2B973B2) \\n\\nLoads of books Ivan mentions which we could not keep track of but he did recommend two after our conversation: \\nOPTIMIST: Optimisation Methods in Science and Technology: http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/optimist-survey/\\nGeorge Reisch How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science (2005) https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Cold-Transformed-Philosophy-Science/dp/0521546893\\n\\nIvan\\u2019s Dissertation \\u201cDiscipline through method: Recent history and philosophy of scientific psychology (1950-2018)\\u201d\\nhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/amjv3oyu8u09nw2/2018%20thesis%20Ivan%20Flis%20final%20version.pdf?dl=0 \\n\\nIvan\\u2019s paper about textbooks, Instructional Manual of Boundary-Work: Psychology Textbooks, Student Subjectivities and Disciplinary Historiographies (that's a mouthful!) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jhbs.21791\\n\\nThe Descartes Centre in Utrecht: https://www.uu.nl/en/descartes-centre\\n\\nIvan highly recommends to \\u201cRead more books\\u201d, if you want a starting point he mentions Kurt Danzinger\\u2019s Constructing the Subject (1990) https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/constructing-the-subject/6B1C7891EC8C6670ECD341B3F3E08B65\\n\\nMusic credit: Kevin MacLeod - Funkeriffic\\nfreepd.com/misc.php"