Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]

Published: Sept. 11, 2020, 4:15 a.m.

Margaret Palango is the Executive Vice President at Autoshop Solutions, Inc. based in Apex, North Carolina. She has overseen and been a key catalyst in Autoshop Solutions’ growth into the award-winning website design and internet marketing agency it is today. In her role as Executive Vice President, Margaret leads the Sales, Marketing, Services, and Development teams at Autoshop Solutions, as they continue to be the industry’s gold standard for internet marketing solutions. Margaret joined Autoshop Solutions in 2006 when she began establishing its brand position for quality website design and progressive internet marketing. During her time with Autoshop Solutions, Margaret has expanded her responsibilities. She started with direct client management before moving on to managing the entire website production process. Margaret enjoys taking every opportunity to share her marketing expertise with clients, employees, and fellow automotive industry professionals. She now spends her time working with industry partners to bring internet marketing solutions to the Automotive Aftermarket. When she is not working, Margaret enjoys spending time with her husband and children. On the weekend they can often be found driving their cars to a local PCA event. Margaret is an active member of the North Carolina Hurricane Region Porsche Club. 20 Questions: Do you have a strong intuition? Do you listen to it?Yes, daily! Relies on it for difficult decisions, never regrets listening to her intuition. Developed stronger in professional life. Any good habits that you would like to share?During COVID created a habit to do 10-minute yoga, continues to still do it. Sets tone for the day. Creates balance for the day   Do you still have the fire you had when you first started?Yes, feels like she's just getting started. Continues to grow and make changes. Stays new and fresh.   If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?Writing (blog posts, stories etc). Would like to develop written communication skills. What is the latest book you read? Big take-a-way?“Fear is my homeboy” How to be the CEO of you, challenge, and let yourself grow along the way.   How do you manage work/life harmony?The calendar is the number 1 tool to prioritize. Everything is scheduled during the workday to minimize bringing any work home. Outsourcing chores at home so time at home is more fulfilling. Moves tasks on the calendar but never deletes them.  If you could send a message to yourself 10 years ago, what would you tell the younger YOU?Prioritize your personal time without guilt, guilt of trying to be everything to everyone. It’ll all be okay and you WILL get there.   What did you sacrifice in the early days to get where you are today?Trying to do it all and running yourself into the ground but doesn’t regret it because she learned from the experience. Do you see obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities?Yes, an opportunity every time. Love the challenge. Opportunity to grow. Often shares roadblocks with the team to put together a plan with a timeframe to get done.   What do you do for fun?Hike and take drives  Any secrets to ‘time suck’?Planning and prioritizing what you consume   How much training per year do you get?Personal development- Women in AutoCare conference  American Marketing Association- once a month lunch and learns, keeping up with trends   How does one start to build a strong business culture?Accountability for your team- when you hold your team accountable it builds trust which leads to teamwork  While working remotely they instilled virtual team meetings between different departments for clear communication and collaboration, a virtual happy hour once a month. Happy team members mean happy customers.    What are you doing to put the Customer first in your business?Customer success team- training the team and