We Now Have a Book Club!

Published: Oct. 13, 2020, noon

Relentless and Ridiculous now has a book club! And we’d love for you to join us!

This idea was spurred by the internal book club that Heather launched for her employees at Heather’s Choice. It seemed like a wholesome, productive way for the team to get together each week and discuss books over drinks, snacks, and so on. The idea has now expanded to being an online community that you can join today! Yay!

The Relentless and Ridiculous Book Club is now LIVE on Facebook! Click the link below to request to join. Just a heads up, no assholes are aloud and all the books will be personal development and business-related. Expect weekly reading assignments, monthly group Zoom meetings, and lots of friendly banter within the group.


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And be sure to come say hello to Heather on Instagram @heathertheresakelly.