A Conversation With Plants & Pascal Fafard

Published: March 12, 2019, 4 a.m.


Pascal Fafard is a consultant and crop advisor in Quebec, Canada, working primarily with fruit and vegetable growers.

He holds a bachelor\\u2019s degree in agronomy and has been supporting and mentoring fruit and vegetable growers for more than 25 years. While working in IPM, nutrition and vitality advising, and the typical agronomic considerations, he realized that taking care of growers is as important as the grower taking care of plants.

This shift in focus led to his unique take on agriculture that has inspired advisors and growers to adopt more intuitive farming practices in the hopes of fostering greater peace of mind, increased clarity and enjoyment, better plant vitality and improved business productivity.

As you will hear, Pascal is committed to life in all its many forms and brings a perspective that stresses the importance of a close partnership between man and nature. His innovative approach encourages advisors and growers to unlock their full potential and to strive to realize what is most important to them.

This episode is largely the story of Pascal\'s thought journey on the nature of farming, the relationships we hold with nature, and the opportunity to make both more meaningful. He and John talk about the development of techniques to increase communication between growers and their plants, and a much more subtle way of interacting with our crops, which is intended to provide greater fulfillment to the grower, and better results.

We may be challenged to step outside our comfort zones, hearing what Pascal offers, but one may find it to be of great value.

"If there is something I want to say today...my only desire is... open new possibility to the grower, and if there is something that resonates in themselves from what I say, just take it. If there is something that doesn\'t talk to you just...throw it in the garbage.\\u201d

In this episode, John asks the question "What is it that plants desire from the grower?"

This episode introduces a Regenerative Agriculture Podcast first: quotes from actual plants, as translated by Pascal.

He notes that "When you communicate with nature you can receive information as a thought, as an image, as an emotion, you can be pulled to go somewhere in the field. It depends on the person...be open minded...it\'s got to be your way."

There are many stories from the field and a few action items, but this interview is not about science and agronomy. It\'s about a farmers relationship to life, and passion for the work of farming. These are esoteric concepts that Fafard presents eloquently and practically.

Pascal\'s course suggestions:

Maya Kincaid: The Sedona International School for Animal and Nature Communication

Pranic Healing - International course offerings: (USA EAST site:\\xa0https://pranichealingusa.com/) (USA west site:\\xa0https://pranichealing.com/)

And John\'s suggested reading on the topic:\\xa0The Lost Language of Plants and The Secret Teachings of Plants, both by Stephen Harrod Buhner.

If you have questions or would like to set up a consultation with Pascal, please reach out to him at info@pascalfafard.com


Please remember to support all of our Community Impact featured partners!\\xa0Chelsea Green is an employee-owned and mission-driven company and a leading publisher of hundreds of great titles, including Gabe Brown\'s recent book, From Dirt To Soil\\xa0-- which we\\xa0featured Gabe & his book on this show, in Season 1.\\xa0If you like this podcast, you will love their books. And there is just enough winter left to read a few. Visit them at www.chelseagreen.com\\xa0and enter the code "REAG30" at checkout, for a generous discount just for listeners of this show.

And finally, we are very pleased to announce the recent release of AEA\\u2019s new online learning platform, the Regen.Ag Academy, https://academy.regen.ag/

The first course is ready and more are on the way. This self-paced series of courses, each comprised of multiple video lessons, and graded quizzes, is geared toward the agricultural professional, Certified Crop Advisor (CCA), student, or highly motivated grower who wants to further their studies in regenerative agronomy. It is an accredited course and can be taken for CEU points from the ASA. We\'ve been working hard to set up a platform where the best of John Kempf\'s teachings can be received, and where you can assess your own knowledge. We look forward to your participation and feedback. Check out Regen.Ag Academy here, and sign up to be notified of future course releases.

Thanks for Listening!


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This show is brought to you by\\xa0AEA, helping professional growers make more money using regenerative agriculture since 2006.

If you grow on a large-scale and are looking to increase crop revenue and quality, email\\xa0hello@advancingecoag.com\\xa0or call\\xa0800-495-6603 extension 344\\xa0to be connected with a dedicated AEA crop consultant.


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Please send your feedback, requests for topics or guests, or booking request have a Podcast episode recorded LIVE at your event -- to\\xa0production@regenerativeagriculturepodcast.com

Email John directly at\\xa0John@regenerativeagriculturepodcast.com



This episode was Directed by Geoffrey Shively and Nathan Harman, Edited by Nathan Harman, Produced by Nathan Harman, Robin Kitowski, and Jenna Sodano.
