The Power of Expectations

Published: April 17, 2020, 8 a.m.

Adjusting to new normals has been a challenge for us all. People are searching for guidance more than ever and it’s up to us as leaders to keep people on the path to success. In this episode of ReEnergize, Steve and Phil McGrath, friend and Human Resource Director of McKee Foods, explore the Pygmalion effect and how it relates to leadership. People perform based off the expectations you set for them. In his youth, Phil recalls his father as a well-respected basketball coach and how badly he and his siblings wanted to play basketball well. They performed well because their father expected them to. The same goes for our employees. Phil explains that our believes of an employee are manifested in our behaviors, our behaviors set the climate, and the climate directly impacts the employee’s outcomes. If we believe our employees have the capabilities to meet expectations, our faith in them will appear in our behaviors; thus, empowering our employees with the knowledge that they are capable, trustworthy, and successful. Phil says it best, “What gets watered, grows.” 

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