
Published: Dec. 29, 2020, 2:48 p.m.

Some round about tunes in a round about way,quite abit different,from what you would call ,by now ,your average Redrover" sound" so to speak,some insights into ,different apps and soundpacks,I will have a few remix live arrangements ,in some of the very early podcasts,kinda came full circle,but I,m working on some,projects for the new year,with much more format ,and mix/live/produce,casts,finalè,rather,selective,rather than ,the spit ,em,out as fast as you can before the world ends,let,s face it,somewhere along the line ,you gonna have to stop and smell the roses ,one more time??So ya, be careful out there,SNOWSQUAL +SPEED-VISION÷FEAR=DITCH (if your lucky,other options,snow bank,frozen lake,Mac truck,and bridges covered in black ice?like playing air hockey for keeps)Happy New Year from Redrover