A Special Christmas Podcast dedicated to my friends Rosie,and Terry

Published: Dec. 24, 2019, 6:19 a.m.

This time of year can be very trying ,or very compelling,emotional eitherway,especially if your alone or lost a loved one in some way,or another,believe me ,I know,and it hurts ,but keep your hopes high and never give up,fight the frustration,with patience ,as you turn the next page in the book of life,not death,happiness and love will come to you,eventually,let nature take it,s course,because the harder you try ,the longer it will take,we all have a purpose,and everything happins for a reason,but we all take each other for granted.Finally,be happy (as best you can)be safe,and be proud,REDROVER says so,and here you go Mr,Terry and Miss Rosie and to the rest of the world god bless us all now krank it!