Episode 13 - Mari Smith (THE top Facebook marketing expert in the world)

Published: April 23, 2019, 12:31 p.m.

In this episode we speak with Mari Smith. Mari is a world class expert on relationship marketing. She’s one of the world's leading social media thought leaders, a bestselling author, keynote speaker (she frequently shares the stage with notable leaders and celebrities including Sir Richard Branson, the Dalai Lama, Tony Robbins, Guy Kawasaki, and Paula Abdul), she was named a top social media power influencer by Forbes ...and the list goes on. In a world where the only constant is change, Mari helps millions of marketers and businesses focus on proven evergreen strategies. We cover some of those, for example: It will never go out of style to provide amazing customer service. What’s changing is the technology and delivery mechanism. Businesses will always need to have clear brand guidelines, trained community managers and customer service reps. Basically, Mari says that the evergreen formula is to produce great content, engage with people in the way in which they want to engage and then convert them by clearly inviting them to do business with you. Mari is no stranger to hustling and building a business from the ground up. She wasn’t born into financial wealth. Her parents got divorced when she was a young girl, after which she moved to Scotland with her dad and 4 sisters. In Scotland she always felt she was missing out on the action going on in the big city life. She spent the first years of her career working admin and sales jobs. Her internal compass always pointed to computers and people - and she followed it. But she wasn’t fulfilled and wanted to do bigger things. She planned to open her own business in Scotland and spent an entire year working on that business. She even started to get some clients. Yet as serendipity had it, she bumped into a long lost friend who invited her to immigrate to San Diego. Although she was flat broke, she bravely decided to listen to her heart, packed up her belongings and set off on a journey to open her (now mega successful) business in the US. We spoke about the distinction between knowing and believing. Mari says believing can be great but then doubts can creep in or maybe you borrow someone else’s beliefs until you have your own. Knowing, however, is visceral. It’s just that. When you know you have no doubt. We also spoke about the power of networking. On top of the importance of “who you know”, she stresses the importance of who knows YOU. Who can make introductions for you. Who will recommend you. And how do you stand out and get remembered? By giving selflessly and adding value. We cover many more topics to do with self fulfillment, growth, awareness, mindfulness, peak performance and satisfaction (the latter which as humans we tend to rarely feel). Mari is inspiring, humble and fascinating. This is a must listen for any person aspiring to become a better version of themselves whilst staying true to themselves. We hope you enjoy your listen! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reallifesuperpowers/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeSuperpowers Twitter: https://twitter.com/RLSuperpowers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rlsuperpowers/