Episode 72: Divisiveness at work

Published: Oct. 12, 2021, 1 p.m.


This week we talk about divisiveness at work. Divisive opinions at work are an example of divisiveness in the world ... people seem to be on one side or the other of so many issues, and we can\\u2019t remember a time when people have been so polarized.


We love the saying \\u201cLet\\u2019s agree to disagree." -- thank you David Campt for going deeper on that with us in Episode 52 -- and we try to use it whenever possible.


By diviseness, we\\u2019re talking about when there are different camps who don\\u2019t come together - or people who like to make work political. We agree that good leaders help build alignment and cohesiveness. Building respect around the mission -- and a leader who demands respectful interaction -- helps to bring people together to work towards common goals.


Taking a time out can also work. When you\\u2019re feeling emotional, take a time out and find a time to talk it through at another time.


Some roles that these dividers can take at work:


The Whisperer. You know them: the person who goes cube to cube whispering (but they don\'t go to SOME people\\u2019s cubes) or is calling \\u2154 of the team members. This person who promotes exclusivity and in- vs out-groups. This person might recommend you say something in a meeting, but when you stick your neck out, they don\\u2019t back you up.


The Exhausted person. When we\\u2019re fried, we\\u2019re not as resilient, and we\\u2019re not our best selves ... so sometimes stress and lack of resilience brings out bad behavior.


The Bully. They need boundaries or they will run over everyone, so you need to push back or they\\u2019ll get out of control.


Shout out to Sarah Noll Wilson in Episode 26 and her call to leadership to go deeper and see their people as HUMANS and to teammates who acknowledge stress and offer to help/cover and work together to take a minute.


If your team is divided, you can talk with your leadership privately to tell them what you\\u2019re seeing and ask for help in bringing people together.


How do you work with a divisive person? Try to talk 1:1, document divisive behavior, try to align with everyone in the group in hopes that others won\\u2019t exclude you. Raise your hand to show that you\\u2019re capable and want to work with others.


Humor is a great way to diffuse a tough work situation. Making people laugh can really bring stress levels down.


When nothing is working, talk with your boss and ask for suggestions of how we can work together.


Sometimes things get heated, and it\\u2019s ok to take some time off and come back when you\\u2019re calm. Write the emotional email as a journal entry, and then write another that\\u2019s kind, compassionate, and helpful with the goal towards working together.
