Episode 17: Oversharing at Work

Published: Aug. 13, 2019, 1 p.m.


We\\u2019re people, and we bring our lives to work, but what are the lines and what can we share and not share at work?


Bottom line: be yourself, but maybe you should be your work self. Try not to let your personal life affect your work product.


We break it down into three categories: Health, Relationships, and Family.




We all have our own filters, and your health issues may bring up issues for others. You going on about health issues can make a co-worker feel badly for cutting you off when they have work to do. You owe it to your group to tell them high level what\\u2019s going on, without going into the gory details. Going deeper is ok when someone makes the space and time based on your high level sharing.


You have to share something so that there is understanding, but the details are best left aside. When it\\u2019s your own health, you have to think about your comfort, as well as the comfort of others. Let your boss/co-workers know to expect your absence. HR can also help you to navigate your benefits if it\\u2019s your own health issue.




Remember, co-workers are co-workers first. And they may judge your less-than-stellar relationship decisions.


Bottom line: the less drama the better.


Having too many vulnerabilities at work can impact your career, and people can use them against you.


Minimize money, politics and sex details- keep it light and be careful about who you share with. There can be career impacts to oversharing about your personal world.




Keep your childhood drama in your childhood. If it\\u2019s impacting you at work, go to a coach, therapist or even a friend outside of work. Don\\u2019t unpack it with co-workers, because that could potentially impact your career. Don\\u2019t let your past influence your future.


Family planning issues don\\u2019t need to be discussed- everyone doesn\\u2019t know that you\\u2019re rushing home at lunch to make a baby. Remember, you don\\u2019t want to share anything that they can picture the next time you\\u2019re presenting.


People don\\u2019t want to hear the nitty gritty of your fertility journey. They want to hear the happy version at the end.


People want to hear the high level about your kids. They want to hear about Annie rocking her softball game, but not the play-by-play.


Keep the details for lunches with co-workers in a similar situation as you. You want to be sharing equally- not the oversharing co-worker.


Tip- if someone is oversharing or asking personal questions, you can change the subject, or say something like, \\u201cWow- that\\u2019s a personal question!\\u201d like Kat\\u2019s grandmother would say. You can also bow out saying that you have work to get done (since that\\u2019s where you are).


Work friends are awesome- look at us!


When you\\u2019re sharing, make sure it\\u2019s something you\\u2019re ok being spread. The jucier it is, the faster it spreads.


Think about what you\\u2019re sharing, and make sure that your future work life won\\u2019t be impacted by your share. Have true friends outside of work who you can share with without career issues.


Your Personal Board of Directors can also help you navigate personal issues at work, and help be your resources outside your workplace. You can also share with us!
