The Man Who Follows | True Ghost Stories

Published: April 6, 2020, 9 a.m.

Who is the mysterious ghostly figure that follows one family from house to house? And what does he want? That’s today on real ghost stories online!
Here is a preview of the story.
“. I was so scared I passed out. The next morning as I told my mom of this event, she began telling me she saw an older man at the foot of her bed. As we talked about it, the phone rang, and it was my father telling me that my grandpa from California had passed away the night before. He sent me a picture of him in the mail, and it was the same man we saw that night. I am convinced he did not know what was going on at that time. For years he followed me to different places. The reason for me not wanting to step foot back in that house has nothing to do with that occurrence but the fact that for years I would hear people walking around in the attic of that house. It almost sounded as if they were dancing up there.”
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