How To Deal With A Demonic Spirit | Ghosts, Paranormal, Supernatural

Published: Nov. 19, 2019, 10 a.m.

There is no guide on “How to deal with a demonic spirit”. Often, these dark forces will not feel dark and evil at all, only to reveal they're true intent once trust has been gained. Today we hear a shocking story of a man dealing with a demonic spirit. They write “ I knew I was dealing with the Demonic so I left my room with the door wide open and ran down the hall as I was outside there were people gathered looking at me like I was insane and not knowing what was happening I took a cross that I carry with me very often and was holding it in my hand demanding it to leave and not to follow me. I saw the same face coming out of the door like a projector screen the same face that I've seen before, but outside of the hotel walls Iran and I could see the legs following me as I was continuing to run away from this figure. I called my aunt frightened telling her that there was something that was chasing me and I hung up the phone before we could finish the conversation because I noticed that there were several Spirits looking out the hotel window at me and I could not believe my eyes. I went in my car and drove off the next day, I called a local pastor and asked him if he could come to the hotel room to pray, and he did with another fellow member.” To hear more about this real ghost story, subscribe and listen to our podcast, Real Ghost Stories Online wherever you download podcasts! Watch more at: (   If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802! If you like the show, please help keep us on the air and support the show by becoming an EPP (Extra Podcast Person). We'll give you a BONUS episode every week as a "Thank You" for your support. Become an EPP here: or at or at