Hearing Without Words | True Ghost Stories

Published: Sept. 2, 2020, 9 a.m.

Can a ghost communicate with the living without words? That’s what we discuss today on Real Ghost Stories Online.

Here is a preview of the story. 
“I was alone in the back room. I turned my back from the door that leads from my room to the rest of the house to reach for my mattress, but I suddenly felt a presence, but I knew something was off because I did not hear a door open. So, I slowly turn around, and I was face to face with a shadow person who seemed to be female. She did not have any discernable facial features, and I can see like an outline indicating hair reaching her shoulders. She looked like a real-life walking shadow. She did not speak to me, so I continued to slowly walk towards her and look closer and closer to her face, still seeing no eyes or anything.”
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