Ghostly Couple | True Ghost Stories

Published: Jan. 27, 2021, 10 a.m.

A child witnesses a ghostly couple walking out of her parent's bedroom door, never to be seen again. Who were they and why were they still there?

Here is a preview of the story. 
“Shortly after moving into the house, I experienced an elderly couple walks out of my parent's room and down the stairs... weeks later, my dad was doing work on the house, stood in a cupboard/closet, and fell, which knocked a step back. Under this step was a photo of the couple id seen and described to them perfectly. My parents removed the photo from the house with made things worse, not in a demonic/ scary way but more activity which scared/unsettled our dog.... they soon had it back and placed it where they found it. This seemed to satisfy that ghostly couple and rarely saw them after.”

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