Evil In The Road | Haunted, Paranormal, Supernatural

Published: June 10, 2020, 9 a.m.

A family car breaks down on a deserted stretch of road with no living souls around, except that of an evil one…
Here is a preview of the story.
“Mom looked out front as well but did not see anything that could have terrified them until she saw something running towards the front of the car. A few minutes later she saw it was a medium-sized dog, as it got closer, she noticed it was a mostly white border collie. She looked back to my Godmother and Nick to see they were even more terrified, as in 'completely wreck your pants' kind of scared. She could not understand why, and when she asked, my Godmother only responded with, "we need to get out of here right now, that 'thing' is evil."

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