Disembodied Children's Voices | True Ghost Stories

Published: March 17, 2020, 9 a.m.

It's late at night and in the distance part of your home, you can hear the gleeful sound of children playing and singing… only problem… You don’t have any children. That’s today on Real Ghost Stories Online!

Here is a sample of a story.
“My bed sat against the wall on the right side of the room, with my brothers on the left. I laid in bed one night, I had a sleepover that night, my friend lay in the bed beside me, fast asleep, slept through the whole thing and almost didn't believe me. I was facing my brother's side of the room, trying to get to sleep. At first, it was quiet, like it was in the distance, I could hear soft singing and as I listened more carefully it got louder and closer, and I could hear what sounded like children singing "Ring Around the Rosy" and suddenly it's in the room and I am looking at the apparitions of 3 children, holding hands in a circle slowly twirling as they sang. Just as I started to comprehend what was happening, they sang the last sentence, "We all fall down," and I heard, clear as day, 3 loud bangs, like shotgun bangs, and all at once all 3 apparitions disappeared. I didn't get upset or anything, I just took it all in and told my mom all about it the next day. She was and still is very open to it all, she loves anything spooky like me, which made it very easy for me when I experienced these things, and when other things happened.”
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