Cave In The Woods | True Ghost Stories

Published: Jan. 25, 2021, 10 a.m.

A camper discovers a mysterious cave in the woods the morning after a paranormal encounter. What lies within the darkness of the cave?

Here is a preview of the story.
“I froze; I thought maybe someone from camp had realized I was gone and was hoping to scare me before I could get them. The crunching of branches and leaves continued until they were directly behind me. I heard grunting. I remembered the night before, when a bear had made its way into our camp, making a lot of noise, and tried to eat all our food. Feeling scared it was a bear, I whipped around, ready to defend myself- but of course, there was no one there. Chills went through my body. I just walked back to the fire and sat down. My family noticed I was white as a ghost. Of course, I did not tell them what happened. The next day I went out to find a spot to build my blind- not far from camp, near where I was spooked the night before. I came across a hole in the ground, it was a Stoney hole, and I could tell it was the entry of a cave.”

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