Birthday From Beyond | True Ghost Stories

Published: Sept. 12, 2020, 9 a.m.

Did the spirit of a deceased loved one come back to wish a woman, “Happy birthday” in a very unique and ghostly way? 

Here is a preview of the story.
“It was morning, and I walked into the kitchen. My Mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee, and we both heard the musical tune “happy birthday to you.” It sounded like one of those wind-up music boxes. We did not know where it was coming from, and we both said something like, well, that was weird and shrugged it off. Then it kept happening. All-day every time one of us would walk into the kitchen, we would hear the same happy birthday tune. So, we started looking in the cupboards and drawers and found an old birthday card. When you opened the card, it would play the song. She put it back in the drawer and put something heavy on it to keep it closed. After a few days, it started playing again, which did not make sense since it could not open. I suggested maybe something was messing with us. She did not like that idea and threw the card away.”

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