Expert 410: 650 Virtual Properties - No Marketing Spend

Published: May 2, 2018, 1 p.m.


This is episode #410, and my guest today is Ted Snyder. Ted is living the proverbial real estate investor dream. He\\u2019s bought around 650 houses over the past 10 years or so, and trotted the globe while doing it\\u2026visiting 35 countries during that time. Though he lives in California now, he buys properties virtually, all over the country. He doesn\'t spend money on advertising, and doesn\'t even have any employees. What is this magical investing model you ask? Ted buys at online auctions for most of his deals, which has enabled to live the life of his dreams. We talk all about it in today\\u2019s episode. Please welcome Ted Snyder to the show!

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