Expert 361: Raising Private Money for Fix and Flips

Published: July 19, 2017, 1 p.m.


"This is episode #361, and my guests today are husband and wife team, Jon and Stacy Bichelmeyer. Jon and Stacy are investors out of Kansas City, doing around 60-70 deals a year. When the last downturn happened in the market, their traditional funding dried up\\u2026and they needed to find another solution to finance their fix and flip deals. So\\u2026they started to raise private money from people in their network. From friends, neighbors, people at the gym, or via word of mouth. They now have more funding than they typically need, which means a reliable source of private investors with very simple terms to ensure that they never have a challenge funding their deals. Today we talk through their program, and discuss how you\\u2026listeners of this show, can emulate their model. Let\\u2019s talk about how to raise private money for your real estate investing business! Please welcome Jon and Stacy Bichelmeyer to the show.

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