GUTS Sales Method with Gavin Timms & Claude Diamond Episode 1030

Published: July 7, 2021, 10 a.m.


To sell, you have to talk to people. Fear of rejections prevents many people from just picking up the phone and having a conversation. In this episode, Gavin talks to Claude Diamond about his G.U.T.S. sales method, a simple three-step system that generates quality daily warm leads at no cost

People like to do business with people they like. If you can get people to like you and trust you, you\\u2019ll get deals. This is a highly competitive business we\\u2019re in and the competitors are spending big money on marketing. Just get on the phone and talk! We seem to have lost the art of communication. Maybe it won\\u2019t come easy at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.

The first three minutes of any call is when you need to figure out if it\\u2019s going anywhere. Do they need to sell? How badly? How likely are you to get commitment today?

We\\u2019re in this business to make money. Aim to speak to five warm leads a day. Get commitments today, get contracts today, get an appointment today. Do something today that proves why you're in business. There\\u2019s no shame in wanting to make money. You make money by communicating, by speaking to people, by having good, fun, nice conversations with good people who have a problem.

Being able to sell is a million-dollar skill. If you can sell, it doesn\\u2019t matter if you lose everything. You\\u2019ll be able to build it all back up and all you\\u2019ll need to do that is a phone. But if you don't understand the psychology of persuasion and influence, it doesn't matter how hard you work or how much money you spend, you\\u2019ll only ever be adequate.

The G.U.T.S. method is based on psychology and human behavior. It\\u2019s just three steps, like a staircase: agenda, qualification, and commitment to close. Everybody can remember three simple steps. You don\\u2019t need a script. You\\u2019re just finding out information by asking questions.

What's Inside:

\\u2014How to sell without being salesy.

\\u2014Psychological sales moves that work.

\\u2014How to use the G.U.T.S. method (Great Unconventional Techniques of Selling) to get sales.

\\u2014Why the lost art of conversation is a skill worth relearning.
