906 » Doing Deals While Playing Golf?

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 10 a.m.

I know from my courses that only 3-5% of people actually take action. Maybe they’re afraid of success. Maybe they can’t imagine what their life would look like if they became an afternoon golf playing real estate investor. But I’m here to tell you that this stuff works. My sons recently made $23,000 on a land deal, and they’re only teenagers. I just collected a check from a wholesaling partner for some minimal effort on my part. But look, these kinds of paydays don’t happen overnight. I put in the work and built the systems that let me take the afternoon off and relax. If you need some extra real estate education or just some encouragement, I’ve got you. Sign up for my emails for some of my greatest teaching moments. Purchase my book REI Secrets, a book sometimes called the Tool of the Titans book for real estate investors. It’s possible to make a great income without investing $40k in a college education, and I’m here to prove it to you. Invest in a little REI education and learn how to make money while you’re golfing the afternoon away. What’s Inside: —What automated wholesaling looks like and why you want to get to that point. —My latest deal that yielded a $9,100 check without a lot of effort on my part. —How you can plug yourself into better real estate education. —What’s going to separate those who succeed from everyone else in real estate.