The mistake that keeps you from financial freedom with Jacque Huynh

Published: Oct. 17, 2018, 7 a.m.


Jacque Huynh came to America from Vietnam as a refugee in 1975 with nothing but clothes on her back, and a dream to achieve freedom.

Jacque wears many hats. She is a successful real estate investor as well as a #1 best-selling author on Amazon. She is also a podcaster, keynote speaker, radio show host and trainer. She has over 20 years professional experience in real estate investment in the California landscape both as an investor and as a broker. 

Jacque believes that the best form of investment is the one that leaves a legacy for your children and offers them the freedom and confidence they need to face tomorrow. In this episode, she speaks about the mistakes we make when investing in real estate and how we can avoid them if we want to achieve financial freedom.

On this episode we discussed:


Call Jacque for your free 45 minute strategy session: or (310)864-3464.  Make sure you mention that you found her through Moneeka and include your phone number in the email!

Website: Integrative MindsFacebook: Integrative MindsLinkedIn: Jacqueline T.D Huynh
