All is Not Lost for UK Biodiversity

Published: Aug. 8, 2023, 11 p.m.


\\u201cThe UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world and despite nature struggling against all odds to survive, more than one in seven native species face extinction and more than 40% are in decline.\\u201d

But these statistics from the WWF do not mean that all is lost for UK biodiversity.

In this episode of the Nature-Based Solutions takeover, we hear from Dr Samantha Lacey and Tom Ludwig from NatureMetrics on how they are helping to push biodiversity up the climate agenda.

From diversifying your diet and letting your garden grow to the revolutionary technology behind eDNA and how it can restore natural environments, Tom and Samantha explain how we can reverse the tide of biodiversity loss and improve the health of our ecosystems.

You can find out more about what Savills is doing to protect and restoe our natural environments by visiting our Natural Capital page.

Dive into our reading list to continue your Biodiversity journey:

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Nature-Based Solutions is hosted by Nicky Wightman, Savills Global Director of Emerging Trends, and Alex Godfrey, Savills Joint Head of Natural Capital. The show is produced and edited by Becki Hills.\\xa0
