5 Misconceptions About Adding Value to Your Home

Published: May 20, 2019, 2 p.m.


So one of the biggies is a pool. Everybody loves a pool, especially here in Texas. A pool\'s a great way to cool off in the summertime, but make sure you put a pool in because you want a pool because you will not see really any of that money on return on the sale side. Houses with pools do not necessarily comp out at a higher price per square foot than homes without pools. Some people, as a matter of fact, don\'t want pools and they will steer away from homes with pools. So there\'s a market range for every area, sometimes every neighborhood, and regardless of what upgrades you may have in that house, you will not exceed that range for that market area. A lot of people think that because they put a pool in that makes their house more valuable and it doesn\'t, it may make it more desirable to those people who want to pool, but it doesn\'t necessarily make it more valuable.


Another item is water softener and water filtration systems. They are great to have, people love them, but they don\'t necessarily increase a listing price on a home.


A roof is another item. Some people have a level four impact roof or slate roof or special type of roof. And although that roof may be pretty or it may be expensive or high end luxury roof, it will not add more value to your home in comparison to the other homes in the neighborhood. So if you\'re putting on an extra special roof and that\'s not a standard in your neighborhood, just know that you might not get that on return.


Extra insulation or green items, those are great too. They appeal to a lot of buyers, especially those who are conscious of the environment. However, they too will not necessarily bring more value to your home.


And last but not least, is an outdoor living area. A great outdoor living area is a great place to entertain. People love outdoor entertainment areas, and it may make your house stand out against another house in your neighborhood that does not have one, but sadly enough, again, this will not necessarily bring any more value to your home.


So when you\'re thinking about things to add to your home, these are just a list of a few of the items that you really want to make sure that you want to have and that you\'re going to use them because they may not bring you any more money when it comes time to sell your home, but definitely may make it more attractive in comparison to some of the other houses. This is Gina Mullen with Gina Mullen Realty. 










