DC 003 My First Large Multifamily through a Joint Venture with Anna Kelly

Published: April 23, 2020, 4 p.m.


Anna Kelley is the founding partner of Zenith Capital Group, Apex Multifamily, and ReiMom, LLC. She is a former top ranked Financial Relationship Manager for a Private Bank, and began investing in real estate 20 years ago.

Anna has purchased, renovated, and rented millions of dollars in real estate across numerous asset classes, while working full time and raising 4 active children. She recently retired from her corporate career, after creating financial freedom through rental property investing. She has active ownership in and manages a rental portfolio valued over $60 Million, and has invested in over 2000 doors as a limited partner.

Anna actively seeks out the best multifamily investment opportunities for her partners and investors. She is a sought after speaker, and enjoys helping others to overcome fears, increase knowledge, and minimize risks in real estate. She is also an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author.

In this episode we talk about:

  1. Large Multifamily
  2. Share your Dreams
  3. Networking
  4. Know your Market
  5. Create wins/wins
  6. Raise Money
  7. Joint Venture
  8. Agency Loan
  9. Strategic Rent Increases

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