Ep. 226 Chris Mercer What I am obsessed with is figuring out how to perfect systems as it relates to measurement, entrepreneurship and listening to customer journeys.

Published: Aug. 2, 2021, 8:45 a.m.


Chris \\u201cMercer\\u201d Mercer, co-founder of MeasurementMarketing, is a sought after measurement marketing expert. Mercer (as he\\u2019s known) and his team have been helping marketers, marketing teams, and agencies measure their marketing so they know what\\u2019s working and what\\u2019s not.

First by planning out what\\u2019s important to measure in their marketing, then how to actually measure it (using tools like Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics), creating dashboards that are actually useful, and pulling actionable insights from what\\u2019s being measured to begin forecasting and optimizing future results.

Mercer spends countless hours reading, practicing, adjusting and innovating to improve his skill set. He has a knack for teaching, and is known for his ability to simplify even the most complex ideas for his audience.

He can be found speaking at conferences and events, such as Traffic & Conversion, Social Media Marketing World, Content Jam, TravelCon, Digital Elite Camp, Baby Bathwater Institute, and others.


Most passionate about

  • I'm very passionate about the art of systems as it relates to measurement, but also as it relates to entrepreneurship and building brands that are very customer-centric and listening to customer journeys. I think that is absolutely what I am obsessed with right now\\u2014figuring out how to perfect those things.

Mercer\\u2019s career and story

  • My main background is sales management. I come from everything managing sort of a pipeline by nature.
  • When we moved online, I created a WordPress site to show people how to do WordPress sites, essentially. It was like a membership site. That led very quickly to people saying, \\u201cThis is a lot of work. Can you build our sites for us?\\u201d We created an agency and that's where we sort of grew, digital marketing-wise.
  • We said, \\u201cOkay, we're going to build the site and we will also help you optimize the site\\u201d\\u2014something called \\u201cconversion rate optimization.\\u201d In order to optimize, and in order to improve, like, an opt-in rate or a conversion rate for a purchase, you have to know what that rate is.
  • We set up Google Analytics for our clients. We would deliver the site with their Google Analytics and say, \\u201cHere\\u2019s how you can tell any leads you got from Facebook.\\u201d
  • Almost overnight, when we made that shift, we started getting a lot of referrals from clients, but they weren't referrals for sites. They were people coming to us saying, \\u201cWe already have a way but we need help with our Google Analytics.\\u201d
  • We wanted to eventually diversify the business because that was a great business. It's still a great channel of revenue for us, but we wanted to be able to diversify.

Best advice for entrepreneurs

  • I think the keyword is going to be deceptively simple, but it's listening to your customer.
  • If you take a second to listen, they will tell you, \\u201cYeah, you're kind of on the right track, but maybe do this instead, or do it in this particular way.\\u201d All of a sudden, it becomes a lot easier to grow a business when we listen to our market.

The biggest, most critical failure with customers

  • It was when I did the exact opposite of what we just talked about\\u2014when I wasn't listening. I was telling the customer, \\u201cHere's how this thing works.\\u201d The thing that comes to mind for us is that we have a certification program where we will work with agencies.
  • I think sometimes, too, \\u2018If it's our idea, it's a good idea,\\u2019 but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea. It's just our idea.

Biggest success with customers

  • We were making some changes to one of our offers. Our do-it-yourself training program is called the Measurement Marketing Academy and it's a just-in-time learning platform to learn all this stuff.
  • We noticed way too..."