Ep. 088 Matt Sweetwoods key success factor I never quit. You quit when you win.

Published: Dec. 10, 2018, 7 a.m.

b'Matt Sweetwood is a thought leadership and personal branding ex-pert and was the CEO of a social network. With over 30 years of en-trepreneurial experience, he has been credited with the reinvention of the modern camera store, as well as the country\\u2019s largest in-store photography education program.
\\nHowever, his greatest achievement is having raised five successful children to adulthood as a single dad. He is a life and business coach and is a regular contributor on national TV and to several publications.
\\nHe has a bestselling self-help book, \\u201cLeader of the Pack: How a single dad of five led his kids, his business and himself from disas-ter to success.'