Ep. 084 Why I love this Gary Vaynerchuks advice to entrepreneurs so much, and six other winning advice from my podcast guests.

Published: Nov. 12, 2018, 7 a.m.

b'\\u201c\\u2026Being hungry and wanting to win is very important. But all that ambition should be equally balanced with patience... and patience is hard\\u201d.
\\nBeing more patience means plying the game for the long run. It means being customer focused, listen and react to markets\\u2019 needs and changes. There is so much noise all over, the journey is so hectic, and many entrepreneurs just jump on any new opportunity or challenge.
\\nOne of the first questions I ask my guests on the Reach or Miss podcast is what would be their best advice to entrepreneurs regarding customers\\u2019 focus, marketing and sales.
\\nOn this episode I collected five of the best advice from my guests; market leaders and successful entrepreneurs.'