Ep. 059 – Anne-Maria Yritys “In some point, you have to understand you can’t force customers if they don’t want to, and you can’t help people if they don’t want to”.

Published: May 21, 2018, 7 a.m.

Anne-Maria Yritys Show Notes Anne-Maria is a Creative Communications Director at Y.E.S. Yritys Executive Services. She is a vocational teacher and has an MBA, communicates fluently in several languages and has a passion for inspiring leadership and authentic, positive communication. With her vast international experiences and love for humanity, she is a Global Citizen who values ethical leadership and responsible decision-making. She believes that advanced communication, empowerment, knowledge, continuous development, and learning contribute to the sustainable economic development and a sustainable future in individuals, organizations, and nations across our Globe. Her mission and vision include accelerating positive change through effective change communication and leadership. She Tweets @annemariayritys & @GCCThinkActTank. Most passionate about I’ve been involved in many things. I was in the hospitality industry for more than ten years, and then I changed to banking, retail banking, and investment sales, and then I was teaching many things, and I’m also a vocational teacher. Where I’m heading? I think we are all in a working process all the time, what I’m really into is helping people and making the world a better place to be. I’ve been passionate about sustainable development projects and the environment for many years. One of my projects that I’ve been working on for a while now is climate change and the human impact on climate change. I have used social media for many years and intensively for the last five years. I have my personal account and separate accounts and groups for this climate change project I’m involved in. Social media, in general, is a great tool, but you can also waste a lot of time on social media. If you use social media in the right way, you have to work in a very focused way. Anne-Maria’s best advice about approaching customers The first thing is to know what you are offering the customers and to focus on that. And then, of course, trust is very important, and being reliable with your customers. Also consultative sales and environment, not a push strategy anymore. If you are working with people, then you have to use a pull strategy; find the way to create value for your customers. What value do you provide to your customers? Biggest failure with a customer Failures and the learning experience. When I started to work in the investment bank, I once called a customer like ten times… Don’t chase the customer. At some point, you have to understand that you can’t force customers. If they are canceling your appointment, again and again, they have a reason. And you have to understand you can’t help people if they don’t really want to be helped. And the third thing is what Adam Grant’s book is about. He wrote a book based on research about giving and taking. About people that give and give and give, who are very empathetic. And I was thinking about it a lot, like when I worked in investment sales: I have too much empathy; I’m too kind. And sometimes that’s a problem, especially in sales if you can’t close a deal because you are too kind. Biggest success due to the right customer approach I think that like any customer success is to keep it simple. The secret is to believe in yourself and your ability and to believe in what you’re selling. It also very important to be able to read the customer. That’s also something that’ll come with experience. My biggest success was in the investment bank, when I was able to find the perfect match for a couple that needed something very specific, and the solution combined with the company’s portfolio. It’s a success because what people really want today, is service; an enterprise, and especially a structured company like a bank, can’t offer tailored programs. Finding that match was a success. Recommendation of a tool for customer focus, marketing, or sales: There are so many possibilities and channels, but I believe...