EP. 042 – Jonathan Aufray – Has lived in 7 countries, speaks 4 languages, and tries to teach entrepreneurs around the world that the important word in Growth-Hacking is Growth!

Published: Jan. 22, 2018, 8 a.m.

Jonathan Aufray Show Notes Jonathan Aufray is the co-founder and CEO of Growth Hackers and Growth Academia that help startups, SMBs, and entrepreneurs grow through inbound marketing and growth hacking. He has lived and worked in 7 countries, speaks 4 languages, and has done business with companies from 70+ countries. Jonathan loves discovering new cultures and meeting new people. Most passionate about In the past years, I’ve been helping startups and small businesses to grow by using digital marketing, inbound marketing and growth-hacking. Taiwan is the 7th country I’ve lived in; I’m originally from France, and I have also lived in the US, England, Ireland, Spain, and Australia. In each these countries, I had different experiences working with small businesses, where I could see the difference you make for the companies. I started with classic digital marketing, mainly social media and SEO. A few years ago, I came to Taiwan, I started to work with startups, and at that time, I started with Growth-Hacking and a lot of small companies wanted to see me to find if I can help them. As I studied later, most entrepreneurs are engineers and they are good in technology, but they didn’t have any idea about marketing or growth. I started as a consultant for small companies but I felt there is a limit for the number of campaigns I could help, and so, together with my partners, we established our company, Growth-Hackers. Jonathan’s customers Most of customers find us through content we share and what we do in our inbound marketing activities. A lot of people get really confused about what growth-hacking is. Many entrepreneurs that contacting us think that growth-hacking is some cheap way of marketing where you get millions of customers every day. No, it’s not. In my opinion, Growth-Hacking is a process. What’s important in growth-hacking is the word growth, not the word hacking. And growth is a process. First of all, you need to know what you want to grow. You need to choose one or two metrics of what you want to grow. Is it the number of sales? Is it the number of leads? The amount of traffic to your site or the number of people that will use your product? As I said, you need to choose one or two metrics and focus on those. People really don’t understand the issue of focus on growth, they say I have 20000 fans on Facebook, or 20000 people liked me on Instagram, so I ask them, that’s where you want to grow, on Instagram? And they answer: No, no, I want sales! So, there isn’t point of having 20000 likes unless you want to grow there. You have to focus on your KPI, on your metrics. Once you have the metric, there are many tactics you can use. Jonathan’s best advice about approaching the customers It depends on what stage the entrepreneurs are, but you need to talk to them. You need to talk to your customers. Talk with the happy customers, take testimonials etc. but also talk with the unhappy customers. I read that 96% of unhappy customers will never tell you why they weren’t happy with your product. You might make assumptions about your product, but your customers are the ones that use and pay for it, and if someone was interested in your product but they stopped using it, you need to know why. Biggest failure with a customer When we launched Growth-Hackers, there was an entrepreneur that came to us and wanted us to help him with SEO. And we explained the process and what it takes to get the results. But after one day he called and complained he didn’t see any improvement with the organic search, so I explained it again, that it takes weeks and months until he would see results, and if he want fast results, maybe we should use social media or other tactics that show fast results. And he said he understands the process of SEO and he will give it the time needed, and after a few days he contacted us again and was very unsatisfied that there aren’t any results yet. So we stopped working with him, but...