Guidelines for prescribing cannabinoid-based medicines

Published: Sept. 26, 2022, 9 a.m.

Cannabinoid based medicines are prescribable on the NHS for certain indications, including spasticity in multiple sclerosis and use in children with intractable epilepsy. In this podcast, Dr Toni Hazell and Dr Rachel Farrell discuss how these medicines are commonly used and some of the practicalities of prescribing, including consultant initiation and then sometimes ongoing prescribing in primary care with the use of written shared care guidelines. They also touch on the use of cannabinoids on an over the counter basis. Dr Farrell is a neurologist with a particular interest in this area who sat on the NICE guideline committee and carries out research in this area. 

Funding was received from Jazz Pharmaceuticals for the production of this podcast. Jazz Pharmaceuticals reviewed the content for scientific accuracy and full editorial control remains the sole responsibility of the RCGP.