2023 RWMC Speaker Series | Meet Darrin Barney

Published: Sept. 14, 2023, 5 a.m.

b"Darrin Barney is the co-founder of Barney Brothers Offroad and Repair and the CEO of Elite Worldwide. In this series focused on getting to know some of the 2023 Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference speakers, Darrin is going to talk about what he does, what his session topic is about and why you should attend, what excites him about the industry today, and his biggest accomplishments and greatest lessons in business. He's also going to tell you a fun story on leading by example.\\xa0\\nIf you're still not registered for the 2023 Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference, visit\\xa0rwconference.com\\xa0and use promo code ChrisJones to get $100 off your registration.\\n\\xa0\\nSponsored by\\xa0Ford Motorcraft"