Lise Arin In Conversation With David Rocklin

Published: Sept. 12, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

b'Lise Arin, author of "Matilda Empress", has a PhD in English Literature from Columbia, and an undergraduate degree in History and Literature from Harvard. She has two children, and lives with her husband in New York City. This is her first novel, although it has been in the making for twenty years. Please follow @lisearin on Instagram and Twitter.\\n\\nDavid Rocklin is the author of \'The Luminist\' and \'The Night Language\', and the founder/curator of Roar Shack, a monthly reading series in Los Angeles. He was born and raised in Chicago and now lives in LA with his wife, daughters and a 150 lb Great Dane who seriously needs to stay on his own bed. He\\u2019s currently at work on his next novel, \'The Electric Love Song of Fleischl Berger\'.'