Kristin Casey on Bubba the Love Sponge, 5/1/18

Published: May 30, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

b"Far from bitter or self-pitying, Rock Monster is an honest account of one woman's life-changing experience in a relationship with rock legend Joe Walsh. At once envious, glamorous, debauched and disturbing, it's her long and winding journey from life in the fast lane to sobriety and redemption.\\n\\nSet in the late-eighties and nineties, these are some of Walsh's darkest years, from spiraling addiction to a stunning comeback with the Eagles' Hell Freezes Over tour. Loaded with true stories never before heard, Rock Monster is essential reading for classic rock fans and anyone touched by addiction. Kristin Casey pulls no punches, sharing gritty details with self-awareness, humor, and affection. Sharply written, bold and incisive, it's the worldly-wise tome only an ex-addict, ex-stripper, and ex-rock-chick could give us.\\n\\nIn the tradition of women-in-rock survivor tales\\u2015think Marianne Faithful, Crystal Zevon, Jo Wood et al.\\u2015Kristin Casey pulls a veil on the enduring myth of the lifestyle's glamorous decadence. Rock Monster is a sexy, crazy, cautionary tale of two addicts in love without a single relationship skill.\\n\\nKristin Casey is a writer and recovered alcoholic and addict. Her memoir Rock Monster: My Life with Joe Walsh documents their tumultuous six-year relationship and drug-fueled, train-wreck breakup. She's survived numerous addictions, suicide attempts, clinical depression, the panhandle of Texas, and seventeen years of Catholicism.\\n\\nHer writing has appeared in the Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, The Nervous Breakdown, From the Asylum, $pread, and elsewhere. She writes about addiction, dependency, sexuality, and relationships. She resides in Austin, Texas, and works in the field of sex therapy."