Karen Stefano in conversation with Julia Dixon Evans

Published: Aug. 13, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

b'Julia Dixon Evans is author of the novel How to Set Yourself on Fire, forthcoming from Dzanc books on May 8th, 2018. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in McSweeney\\u2019s, Paper Darts, Pithead Chapel, Fanzine, Flapperhouse, Hobart, San Diego CityBeat, and elsewhere. She is Senior Columns Editor for The Coil (an imprint of Alternating Currents Press), Nonfiction Editor for Noble Gas Qtrly, and hosts the brand new literary reading and workshop series Last Exit. She is the former program director and editor for So Say We All, a literary nonprofit and small press. She lives in San Diego.\\n\\nKaren Stefano is the author of the forthcoming memoir, Vigilance: An Autobiography of Fear (Rare Bird Books 2019). She is also the author of the short story collection The Secret Games of Words (1GlimpsePress 2015) and the how-to business writing guide, Before Hitting Send (Dearborn 2011). Her work has appeared in Ms. Magazine, Psychology Today, California Lawyer, The South Carolina Review, Tampa Review, Santa Fe Literary Review, Epiphany, and many other literary journals.'