Karen Stefano in conversation with CLS Ferguson

Published: Sept. 26, 2017, 5:39 p.m.

b'Karen Stefano, author of The Secret Games of Words, in conversation with CLS Ferguson, author of Soup Stories: A Reconstructed Memoir.\\n\\nCLS Ferguson, PhD is a communication professor who has published many academic articles and two academic books. Her performance in Silence, which she co-wrote and produced earned best actress and best film awards. Her music video Secrets & Lies also earned accolades. CLS has published poetry in Dirty Chai, Sheepshead Review, Drunk Monkeys, etc. Her poetry collection God Bless Paul is out on Rosedog Books, her chapbook, The Way We Were co-authored with JC Jones is out on Writing Knights Press, and her collection Soup Stories is out on Portage Press.'