Douglas Light in conversation with Tobias Carroll

Published: April 23, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

b'Douglas Light is the author of East Fifth Bliss, which one the 2007 Benjamin Franklin Award for best fiction and was turned into the movie The Trouble with Bliss, starring Michael C. Hall, Lucy Liu, Peter Fonda, and Brie Larson. His stories have appeared in the O. Henry Prize Stories and Best American Nonrequired Reading anthologies. His story collection, Girls in Trouble, won the 2010 AWP Grace Paley Prize, and his latest story collection Blood Stories was published in 2015. His writing has appeared in Narrative, Guernica, Alaska Quarterly Review, failbetter, and other publications. He has B.A. from Indiana University and an M.A. in Creative Writing from City College, New York. He lives in New York City.\\n\\nTobias Carroll is the author of the short story collection Transitory (Civil Coping Mechanisms) and the novel Reel (Rare Bird). He is the managing editor of Vol.1 Brooklyn. His writing has been published by Tin House, Rolling Stone, Hazlitt, The Scofield, Bookforum, and more. He has taught writing courses for LitReactor and Catapult.'