Chip Jacobs In Conversation With Gary Lippman

Published: Nov. 8, 2019, 7:21 p.m.

b'Chip Jacobs is an award-winning author and journalist. His books include the biography Strange As It Seems: the Impossible Life of Gordon Zahler; the environmental social histories The People\'s Republic of Chemicals and the international bestselling Smogtown: the Lung-Burning History of Pollution in Los Angeles; the dark-humor true crime caper The Ascension of Jerry; and the stories collection The Vicodin Thieves. He also has contributed pieces to anthologies, most recently for Los Angeles in the 1970s: "Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine" about the attack on an idealist lawyer by a depraved cult. His reporting has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, L.A. Daily News, CNN, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and LA Weekly, among others.\\n\\nBorn and raised in New Jersey, Gary Lippman received a law degree from Northwestern University and has worked with New York\'s Innocence Project. Lippman\'s play Paradox Lost ran off Broadway for a month in 2001 and his writing has been published in The New York Times, The Paris Review, VICE, Fodors, and more. Having lived in Illinois, Florida, California, and France, Lippman can now be found in what used to be called "Fun City" with his imaginary French bulldog, his very real Hungarian wife, and a whenever-he\'s-inclined-to-visit adult son.'