Why should I hire a motivational speaker?

Published: April 5, 2021, 11:24 p.m.


Why should I hire a motivational speaker?

Link: https://rankingmastery.com/edit_questions.asp?action=info&id=1426&a=9148&p=

Answer is:

We\'ve all been there. We\'ve gone to that conference or that convention related to our company or to our area of expertise and there\'s someone on stage talking about something we really should learn about. They are not engaging and they are not motivational. What\'s wonderful about a motivational speaker like myself, we actually take logical things that clients, corporations, and conferences want their attendees or employees to learn about and we motivate them.

How do we do that?

We do it through engagement.

We do it through the tone of our voice.

We do it through passion.

We do it through challenges that we offer our audience and questions that we ask.


What you want to look for in a motivational speaker is someone that has the expertise, the knowledge, the background, but also someone that shows up on the video that you\'re hopefully watching as I have a speakers reel with energy and excitement, because that\'s what keeps your employees and the audience engaged.

There\'s something so powerful in our voices when we change the tone, when we smile, when we use our hands and when we are excited, just like I am sharing with you today, why you should hire a motivational speaker more than anything you need to recognize that someone like myself, or if you hire another motivational speaker is passionate about what they teach.

If you\'re getting a speaker that isn\'t passionate, your audience is going to see it and pick up on it. Your employees are going to recognize it, and they\'re not going to walk away motivated.

What benefits companies, organizations, or conferences the most is when their audience walks away motivated.

You can learn more about hiring me as a speaker in a multitude of topics that I am an expert in at galitventurarozen.com.


Watch on Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHAdnYcDHNA

We hope you learned something of value from this video. To reach Galit with Galit Ventura Rozen, M.A. directly go to: https://galitventurarozen.com/ or email them at: grozen1@gmail.com

